Thursday, February 13, 2014

Heroin, Deadly and Addictive

The drug Heroin is classified as an Opiate meaning it comes from the poppy plant named Papaver Somniferum. The opium poppy is cultivated in the areas of the Middle East mainly in Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan an also in areas of South Asia.

Heroin comes mainly in three forms white powder being the most popular, brown powder, and a new form called black tar that was created in Mexico. This drug is especially dangerous because the main mode of use is through injection. Not only is the user getting the bad side effects of the drug but is also exposed to other viruses such as HIV when sharing needles. Heroin can also be snorted and smoked, the least popular method called “chasing the dragon”.

So why is it especially addictive? Well that has to do with the speed; Heroin is quickly metabolized in the body into Morphine and produces an intense rush as it binds to opiate receptors in the brain. In fact Heroin and Morphine are very similar; the only difference is that Heroin has two acetyl groups, which is why the drug it also referred to as Diacetylmorphine. Along with the initial rush comes a euphoric feeling. Other immediate effects are constriction of the pupils, sweating, and a feeling of being alert and drowsy. Almost one fourth of Heroin users will become addicts.

Yes Heroin is very addictive, but what makes it so deadly? This drug is dangerous because it leads to quick tolerance. Soon the Heroin user will need to use more and more of the drug to not feel the withdrawal symptoms. Some of those symptoms are depression and intense cravings for the substance.  If more Heroin is used this could lead to a drug overdose which usually kills the person.


  1. I found your article very interesting because I didn’t know much information about the drug Heroin like where it is cultivated and the plant it comes from. I knew it is a very addictive drug, and it can cause side effects and problems with your brain if taken in excess. How you and the video mention, its deadly because once people try it, they start wanting more and more and it lead them to dead.

  2. Heroin is one of those drugs that people become addicted faster and it's extremely dangerous, and now I understand why since you explained that it metabolizes fairly quickly in the body. We see cases all the time of celebrities overdosing on drugs because their tolerance is so high that they take too much of it and their body can't handle it. It's always sad to hear such stories.
