Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pea Size

When someone thinks about the brain we visualize a grand organ that that enables us to imagine, learn, and build. We tend to think about the brain as a whole but in reality it is made up of different sections that perform different functions and usually overlap. Embedded in the brain is a small structure than one would attribute much to it because of its size. This structure is the pea shaped pituitary gland, sometimes referred to as the “master gland”. This minute structure is responsible for releasing six hormones upon receiving the correct message from the superior hypothalamus.

The hormones released by the pituitary gland are Growth hormone, Thyroid Stimulating hormone, Follicle Stimulating hormone, Luteinizing hormone, Prolactin, Adrenocorticotropic hormone, Antidiuretic hormone and Oxytocin. The amount of these hormones released is especially important because too little or too much can cause serious effects.

Growth Hormone whose function is to increase both muscle and bone size determines height and strength. If excessive amounts of Growth hormone are released by the pituitary gland the result can be Acromegaly in adults, also known as gigantism in children. This disorder involves swelling of the heart, thickness of the skin, and larger than normal body parts such as hands, legs, and face. A tumor in the pituitary gland can cause excess release of Growth hormone because it signals cells in the gland to produce more and more of the hormone. A defective pituitary gland can also be caused by head injury and disease. In contrast a decreased amount of Growth hormone can cause a higher level of fat accumulation in the body and less or weak muscles.

The pituitary gland affects many organs in our bodies and a balance of the Growth hormone is essential for our wellbeing. Who would have thought such a small structure would how so many profound effects. We cannot assume size equals importance when talking about the brain.



  1. Found your blog to very interesting since you just made me learn much more on the pituitary gland, and who would have known that such small part had much a huge role during your life span. I actually didn’t know that this was the one in charge on growth hormone on a person and I could just imagine if something was to go terribly wrong in this area when you were growing up how much smaller or bigger a person would have been since it is in charge on how much to release of this chemical. Now I understand why some people have to pee so much once they start drinking because of the alcohol inhibiting the ADH which would cause someone to urinate more often.

  2. This is yet another part of the body that amazes me! It was interesting to find out the many ways the pituitary gland can affect an individual. I remember flipping through my anatomy book and seeing pictures of people who were abnormally tall (gigantism) or people who had big lumps in their throat (goiters due to hyperthyroidism) and always wondering why they appeared that way. It was also pretty cool to understand why people are always having to use the restroom when they consume alcohol. The information and video you attached have pretty much solved my mysteries and introduced me to additional facts that I would probably have never looked up.
