Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Worst Pain of All

All of us have some time or another have experienced pain. When the word pain is mentioned we associate it as the sensation felt in an area of your body which has felt damage. That is the sensation when your body collides with a solid structure, when someone steps on your foot, or when you prick your finger on a sharp object. So physical pain is something we are quite used to because it happens almost on a daily basis. But have you ever felt “social pain”?

You can recognize it as that tightness in the chest feeling and even as a feeling of lightness in your stomach. This type of pain occurs when someone has hurt our feelings or more commonly when we feel rejected and left out. An example would be being “heartbroken” because someone you love has hurt your feelings or maybe a friend has left you out of an important activity.

Yes social pain is a very bitter reality in fact, because there seems nothing that can be done to make it better. It’s not like you can take Tylenol to alleviate the pain as you would with a headache right? Well in fact according to the Association of Physiological Science; research has revealed that participants in an experiment reported a decrease in social pain when taking Tylenol.

Wow! Who would have thought Tylenol could also help to mend a broken heart. This research finding may be the answer for those of us who suffer frequently form social pain. It is a beam of hope that may help with a type of pain that seemed to have no remedy.

1 comment:

  1. Like you mention everyone has felt social pain some more than others but I think everyone has a way to cope through this situation. Some gather with friends and family, other go out on their own but which ever method you choose would you consider taking medication to ease that pain? I think if you were to ask most people they wouldn’t consider it. I believe that people should be able to deal with social pain and learn to overcome it and not allow it to drag you down. Because let’s say that one day they do come up with a medication that reliefs social pain how are people supposed to adapt and learn from their mistakes with something that is helping them overcome the problem, all I see this causing more future problems with that person and in the long run might even make things worse. People should be able to overcome pain either body aches, emotional or social pain because without doing this you might have much more serious problems growing that just what is in the outside. Knowing that you could deal with the pain and overcome the situation would only benefit the person and learn as an experience.
