Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Internal Assassin

Suffering from anxiety can be described as one of the worst feelings one can experience as a human. Anxiety is what you feel when you are tossing and turning and cannot sleep at night, when your mind is racing with horrible thoughts about possible dangers. That is something I can relate to, sadly being very familiar with the feeling of anxiety.

Anxiety can be caused by many things such as mental and physical disorders, and drugs. One of the main causes of anxiety is something many of us experience daily, stress. This can range from school stress, work stress, financial problems, health problems, and a bad experience due to a traumatic event. In my case it is specifically a combination of two things the combination of being a college student and a recent family tragedy that completely changed my view of life from that point on. Well having stress as a college student is actually normal, it may be even healthy for you to worry once in a while about an upcoming test or final grades at the end of the semester.

What is not healthy is having trouble sleeping every night and having a constant feeling of impending doom in the pit of my stomach. It’s also not normal to jump every time your phone rings and automatically think it is bad news. All these actions and symptoms can lead to Post- traumatic Stress Disorder which is feeling that you are in danger at all times, in short.

There are some ways to control anxiety, for example talk therapies and medication.  For mild anxiety the best option would probably be to talk to a counselor or a therapist about your stress and problems. Taking medication for anxiety has many side effects such as memory problems and dependence so it may actually be harmful. The video below describes how one can combat anxiety with natural remedies.


  1. Wouldn't life be so much easier without stress and all the negative ways it can impact our body? I think it would, but like you said, a little stress is never bad. I actually remember reading an article where it mentioned how a moderate amount can help improve memory and allow us to tackle tasks more efficiently. It's a whole different story when dealing with an abundance of stress though.I personally feel like therapy is the best option for management. As for the video however, I'm a little curious as to know if whether the cream could actually help.

  2. Adriana, I think we all have experiences some sort of anxiety in our lives, either causes by a surprise, by some sort of fear, by having your first job interview, etc. How you mentioned some of the things that can be done to control and/or reduce anxiety is to talk to a counselor or anyone who you feel confident about tell them your problems like your parents. Its good to receive advise from someone you trust before taking any actions.

  3. I thought you had a great point in bringing up anxiety since there are different levels which can range from mild to serve, and having serve anxiety could actually lead to having serious impact on your daily life. I know that my anxiety levels increase whenever I am going to have an exam because you stay thing if you are well prepared for what is going to be presented, but this level of anxiety a person can overcome because it is just cause due to having that exam and wanting to perform well on it. I also read an article that having serve anxiety could lead to panic disorder that can cause confusion, dizziness, and even nausea. I think I am going to try this mixture of cream the lady was using in the video clip so that It could help me when I am feeling stressed out.
